Aktualizace pro SharePoint 2016 (August 2017 CU)
- Posted by Ondřej Soukup
- On 15.8.2017
- In Updaty
- 0
Pro SharePoint Server 2016 byla vydána nová kumulativní aktualizace (August 2017 CU).
Tento CU obsahuje též Feature Pack 1, který je součástí již od listopadového CU (November 2016 CU).
SP Build: 16.0.4573.1002 (language independent)
SP Build: 16.0.4573.1000 (language dependent)
SharePoint 2016 CU – KB články popisující CU:
- KB 4011049 – August 2017 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language independent)
- KB 4011053 – August 2017 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language dependent fixes)
- Pro Office Online Server 2016 nebyla s tímto CU vydána žádná aktualizace
SharePoint Server 2016 CU – Odkaz ke stažení CU:
- Download August 2017 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language independent)
- Download August 2017 SharePoint Server 2016 (language dependent fixes)
- Pro Office Online Server 2016 nebyla s tímto CU vydána žádná aktualizace
Po dokončení instalace nezapomeňte na spuštění průvodce konfigurací služby SharePoint 2016 (SharePoint 2016 Products Configuration Wizard), nebo příkazu:
PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures -cmd secureresources -cmd services -install
Vždy instalujte oba balíčky a to v pořadí:
- language independent (aktualizuje jazykové nezávislé komponenty a povyšuje verzi SP Build)
- language dependent (aktualizuje jazykové závislé komponenty)
V případě jazykově závislých balíčku (language dependent) nezáleží jaký jazyk si ve výsledku vyberete, jelikož každý balíček obsahuje aktualizace pro všechny jazyky.
V případě, že na SharePoint Server 2016 farmu instalujete nový jazykový balíček, je nutné následně znova nainstalovat jazykové závislý balíček (language dependent).
Nezapomínejte, že krom SharePoint je nutné mít aktualizovanou i službu Distributed Cache, viz. Jak správně aktualizovat Distributed Cache.
Obsažené opravy a vylepšení
Součástí tohoto CU jsou následující opravy a vylepšení.
SharePoint Server 2016
- This update enables the hybrid content type for Black Forest tenants. More accurate user name mapper will be used in the hybrid content type migration.
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- This update makes sure that the My Site Cleanup Timer job will delete user profiles for deleted users.
- This update also fixes the following issues:
- Assume that you upload a .docm file that contains macros to SharePoint. After you use Word Automation Services to convert it to a .doc file, the macros are no longer present.
- The date and time is displayed in an incorrect time zone in the conversation section of a pending access request.
- When you try to click a shared link to a Microsoft OneDrive for Business folder that contains non-ASCII characters, the link can’t redirect you to the folder.
- When you use the Remote Event Receiver in a SharePoint environment that uses a language with multibyte characters, you experience an exception.
A site that has a trailing slash in the site URL can’t be restored.
Project Server 2016
- When you try to rename a project that has a required project level custom field in Project Professional 2016, you may receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
- When you try to rename a project to a name that contains the ampersand character, you receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
- After you drill into a project and open the Project Detail page in the Project Center, you may receive the following error message:
Sorry, something went wrong
An unexpected error has occurred.
Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.This error occurs if you don’t have the Open Project permission.
- The Name column in a Gantt view in a document library does not display the expected values.
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